How to Repair Your Dentures
Quick & Easy Fix!

Do Not Use for loose caps or lost fillings.(Use Dentemp Loose Cap & Lost Filling Repair)
Do Not Use to reline a denture.(Use Dentemp Reline-it Denture Reliner)
Repair-It is intended to be used as a single use, short-term, emergency remedy only, used
for less than 30 days. The user should see a dentist as soon as possible to replace the denture.
caps or lost fillings. Do Not Use to reline a denture. WARNING: Denture repair liquid is flammable. Keep
away from heat, open flames or sparks. WARNING: Avoid getting denture repair liquid on skin. If you do,
wash area with water immediately. WARNING: Contains methacrylates. Do not use if you are allergic or
sensitive to methacrylates. Caution: Do not put repaired denture back into your mouth until the denture
repair material has hardened. Caution: Fit pieces together properly. Once this product hardens it can not be
Hint: If, while mixing, the material hardens too fast for the mixture to become smooth and creamy then
please try again but first put the liquid into a freezer for 1⁄2 hour to slow hardening.
1. Clean and dry pieces of the denture or tooth. Make sure there are no missing pieces and that everything fits properly back
together. If you cannot do this, the denture will not fit when repaired. Do not proceed. See your dentist immediately.
2. Mix denture repair liquid and powder as follows:
• Place contents of one Repair-It Powder packet into one of the enclosed mixing cups.
• Hold a Repair-It Liquid packet in one hand and gently tear off the notched end so as not to spill any of the liquid. Hold
the open end of the packet directly over the powder and add all of the liquid to the powder in the mixing cup. Be careful
not to get any Repair-It Liquid onto your skin. This liquid is flammable. Do not use near sparks or an open flame. Use in a
well ventilated area.
• Using the spatula, mix until the mixture becomes smooth with a creamy consistency, like syrup.
3. Using the spatula, apply a small amount of the denture repair mixture to each broken edge of the denture or in the missing
tooth area. Make sure that each broken edge has a thin coating of the denture repair mixture.
4. Immediately fit the broken pieces of the denture together, or press the tooth into position. Make absolutely sure that all
pieces fit together properly and are in correct alignment.
5a. For Cracked or Broken Dentures: Press the pieces together and hold in place for five (5) minutes. Be sure that the pieces
stay in perfect alignment. Skip to Step 8.
5b. For a Loose or Broken Tooth: Press the tooth in position and hold for one (1) minute. Be sure that the pieces stay in perfect
alignment. Move on to Step 6.
6. Gently remove excess material carefully using a wet cotton tipped applicator.
7. Allow to set for an additional four (4) minutes while holding the pieces in place.
8. Using the clean end of the spatula, carefully scrape away any extra material that has squeezed out.
9. Soak repaired denture in hot tap water (not boiling) for 10 minutes.
10. Remove denture from water. Dry carefully.
11. If necessary, use high grit sandpaper to lightly smooth out any rough spots.
12. Wash denture and spatula with soap and water. Wash hands thoroughly. Allow any remaining material to thoroughly dry,
then dispose in household garbage.
NOTE: After repairs have been completed, if for any reason the denture is uncomfortable or does not fit, do not use it. See your
dentist immediately.
IMPORTANT: Special training and tools are needed to repair dentures to fit properly. Home-repaired dentures may cause
irritation to the gums and discomfort and tiredness while eating. Long-term use may lead to more troubles, even permanent
changes in bones, teeth, and gums, which may make it impossible to wear dentures in the future. For these reasons, dentures
repaired with this kit should be used only in an emergency until a dentist can be seen. Dentures that don’t fit properly cause
irritation and injury to the gums and faster bone loss, which is permanent. Dentures that don’t fit properly cause gum changes
that may require surgery for correction. Continuing irritation and injury may lead to tumors in the mouth. You must see your
dentist as soon as possible.
WARNING: For emergency repairs only. Long-term use of home repaired dentures may cause faster bone loss, continuing
irritation, sores and tumors. This kit is for emergency use only. See dentist without delay. A new denture may be required.
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